Michael D. Denton, Jr.
Attorney and Counselor at Law

Born in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, September 21, 1963; Raised in Mustang, OK, attended Mustang School K-12, graduated 1982; Married (Kristin) with three sons (Trey, Andrew and Luke); attend Church of the Good Shepherd; served active duty in the U.S. Army 1983-1985, Honorably Discharged, MOS 19 K (M-1 Tanker)
Southwestern Oklahoma State University 1985-1987 (B.S., 1987)(President, Phi Beta Lambda, 1987; President, Students in Free Enterprise, 1987; Outstanding Senior Male, 1987; Super “Sig Tau”, 1987; Outstanding Sig Tau Athlete, 1987; Student Senate Parliamentarian, 1985-87); University of Oklahoma 1988-1990 (J.D. December 1990)(Graduate Student Senate, 1988-1989). Admitted to practice law in Oklahoma April 26, 1991.
Legal Employment History:
Marshal of the Court, Norman Municipal Court, 1988-1989; Law Clerk, Legal Intern & Associate Attorney, Edmonds, Cole, Hargrave, Givens & Witzke, Oklahoma City, 1989-1992; Associate Attorney/Shareholder, Johnson & Hanan, Oklahoma City, 1992-1995; Associate Attorney, Huddleston & Pike, Oklahoma City, 1995-1996; Associate Attorney, Hiltgen & Brewer, Oklahoma City, 1996-1998; Opened Denton Law Firm in Mustang, Oklahoma in May of 1998, firm currently consists of five (5) attorneys and employs five (5) full-time support staff.
Admitted to practice in the U.S. District Court for the Western, Eastern, Northern Districts of Oklahoma; U.S. District Court, Central District of Illinois; U.S. District Court, Central District of Utah; U.S. District Court, Northern District of New York; U.S. District Court, Northern District of Texas; Cheyenne Arapaho Tribal Court; U.S. Court of Appeals, Tenth Circuit; and all Oklahoma State Courts.
Oklahoma Bar Association, Employment Law Section, Family Law Section; County Bar Delegate to the OBA Convention 1999-2003, Alternate Delegate 2004-2005; Fellow, Oklahoma Bar Foundation; Oklahoma Employment Lawyers Association, Western District Representative, Treasurer 2004-2006; American Association for Justice, Employment Rights Section, 1991-present; Canadian County Bar Association, Secretary-Treasurer 1999-2000, Secretary-Treasurer & Vice President 2000-2001, President 2001-2002, Law Day Chairman 2005-2006; Oklahoma County Bar Association, Young Lawyer Division, Executive Board 1992-1998, Athletic Committee Chair 1995-1998; Robert J. Turner Inn of Court, Master, 1999-present, Social Chair 2004-2006; National Employment Lawyers Association, 2002-present; Visiting Professor of Business Law, Northeastern Oklahoma State University, 1998-present; Oklahoma Bar Association, Bench and Bar Committee, 2003-2006; Trial Judge and Scoring Panelist for Oklahoma High School Mock Trial Competition, 1998-present.
Areas of Practice:
Employment Law, Administrative Hearings, Products Liability, Personal Injury, Medical Malpractice, General Civil Litigation, Business Litigation, Contracts, Corporate, Wrongful Death.
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